
At Lakeside Pet Resort, your pet will enjoy a comfortable environment. Our staff will give the same level of care that they would give the show dogs. Each dog has their own spacious private indoor/outdoor run. The facility is climate controlled and each run is cleaned daily. New for 2021: We have installed new stainless steel kennel runs in both of our kennel wings. Dogs have access to their outside runs beginning in the early morning and at various times during the day. On fair weather days, the doors stay open all day allowing your dog the freedom to go outside as much as they wish. Paul Clas and his wife Chrystal, the owners of Lakeside Pet Resort, live on the property. In addition to the owners, one staff member lives above the kennel.

Our Daycare is a basic service that is a day version of our overnight boarding. While its a great affordable option if you need someone to watch your pet(s) for the day, it doesn't offer playgroups with other dogs. We will be adding a full featured daycare in the future as demand increases.

Pick up and drop off from 9am to 11am and 5pm to 7pm. Pick up and drop off available other times by appointment only. The limited hours allow for reduced foot traffic in the kennel making for a quieter facility for your pets during the day.

Vaccination, rabies and licensing information required to board. All Dogs MUST be up to date on Rabies and Bordatella Vaccines to board. The bordatella vaccine covers kennel cough and MUST be given at least 7 days before arrival.

IMPORTANT: You are boarding your dog at your own financial risk (vet fees) when it comes to airborne illnesses like kennel cough. Please read our terms and ask questions before committing. We are unable to tell if an incoming dog is carrying an illness such as kennel cough or similar upper respiratory illness. Many dogs are non-symptomatic at first but can easily spread the pathogens to other dogs before showing symptoms. Its the same as with school or child daycare.


Book your pet with us online!

NO PICK-UP OR DROP-OFFS HOURS ON DECEMBER 25th OR JANUARY 1ST. Kennel owners and staff will be on site to care for your pets on those days. Customers with online bookings with those pick-up/drop-off dates will be asked to change to a different date. We will have normal hours on the 24th and 31st.

IMPORTANT: Please do not complete your booking if you are only checking availability. This online system is the same system that our office uses and removes runs from being available when bookings are made by the customer.


Boarding Rates Effective May 1st 2024

Please Note: For the summer season, we may not accept single night bookings unless the customer agrees to pay for two nights. Priority is given to the customers booking multiple nights.

Checkout is normally by 11 am. PM pickups will incur an additional charge.

Small to Large Dogs $34.00 Per Night (PM Pickup is an additional $17)

Two dogs in the same run $56.00 Per Night (PM Pickup is an additional $28)

Three dogs in the same run $82.00 Per Night (PM Pickup is an additional $40)

Four dogs in the same run $105.00 Per Night (PM Pickup is an additional $51)

Day Care (Day Boarding) $28.00 Per Day

Cat Boarding $28.00 Per Night

Dogs that have fleas will automatically receive a minimum of a kennel bath and flea treatment at the owner's expense.

If your dog is messy during its stay, we may give a basic bath at the owner's expense.


Kennel Bath $38.00 - $50.00 – Short Haired breeds only.

Nails $25

2 Play Times are $8.00 / Day

Medication $5 per day

We accept


Copyright © 2011 Paul Clas, All Rights Reserved